Mile High Music Makers Federated Junior Club
Our Studio Theme for 2024-2025
A Walk on the Wild Side
All animal images courtesy of Dieter Braun and Magnifique Hearts
Our Musical Explorers
Mile High Music Makers are musical safari explorers who share, create and explain the unknown world of sound through their own personal music exploration.
As in the life of those who explore the natural world, our music explorers face challenges, unpredictable situations and have encounters with difficult animals (musical scores) terrain (technical challenges) and unexpected obstacles (motivation to prepare well).
You own personal expedition will play a pivotal role in expanding your musical knowledge, shape your musical talent and contribute to your love of music as you strive to learn & grow.
Without bravery & curiosity, your understanding of your instrument & ability might be come limited.
It is time to take a personal “Walk on the Wild Side”. Click here to be directed to our Safari Page.
Tentative Event Schedule for First Semester
July Summer Session
August 12 End of DEMTA Composes Summer Module
August 19 Beginning of Academic Year
September 1 Beginning of DEMTA Composes Module 1 for 2024-2025
November 1 & 2 Pueblo Keyboard Arts Festival at CSU-Pueblo
November 16 Studio Concert
November 30 First composing module ends
December 1. Module 2 for DEMTA Composes Project
December 4 Our Mile High Music Maker Composers Premier of Orchestral compositions with the Douglas County Youth Orchestra.
December 14 Community volunteer performances at Memorial North Hospital